Things I learned from my first solo camping experience, how it went and what I did.
I had been preparing for this for a few weeks. Practicing my backing skills and learning all the steps of hooking my little camper up to my Toyota 4-Runner. I also had a checklist, lovingly put together by Rick, so I wouldn’t skip any steps.
If you think It’s easy going camping, you would be wrong. It takes work, a little bit of muscle, and a clear head. You have to make sure the camper is hooked up properly onto the hitch. We had purchased a back-up camera to install on my Toyota. I will tell you, that is a blessing! I was able to back up to the hitch with no problems. No need for anyone to direct me. A great thing for the solo camper.
Let me tell you, even though I had practiced driving with Beatrice behind and backing up, I was still a nervous wreck driving the 40 minutes to Calumet County Park located along Lake Winnebago. I couldn’t help but wonder what the heck I was doing. Those old voices of “you can’t do this” and “who do you think you are” kept floating around in my head. But when I am determined, I’ll be darned if I am going to let those voices get the best of me. It’s just another case of not letting fear overtake me.
Let’s get this adventure started!
It was raining all the way to the park, but once I arrived and checked in, there was a break in the clouds (at least for the time being). I had carefully reserved my campsite a few weeks earlier. It was a corner site and I would be able to just back straight in. I proudly stated to the girl who checked me in that this was my first solo camping trip with my little camper and could I please purchase 3 bundles of wood?
I backed into the site with no trouble at all. I texted Rick when I arrived and took a picture of my camper to prove I had done it. The site was fairly level according to my handy little level that was now a part of my very own set of camping tools. I secured the tires, unhooked Beatrice from my truck and secured the jacks under each corner of my temporary home for the next two days.
It stared to rain again so I unloaded my things from the truck and went inside to make Beatrice home. Not long after, the rain stopped and I could put up my brand new awning. After a couple of hours, I was set up with no problems! I had done it! Now for the fun. There would be no campfire for tonight as the rain would stop and start again, but that was okay. I had a big thick new book that was calling my name, begging to be read.
I made myself a sandwich and poured myself a glass of wine from the bottle I had brought to celebrate and began to read.
Calumet County Park
Let me tell you a little about the park. I had had my eye on this county park for my first solo camping experience since last year when we happened to stumble upon it when we were out driving around one day. It’s a large park and spread out and you could either camp lakeside, or hillside. I choose site 53 right on the lake. There is a nice bathhouse with coin operated showers. Showers are my requirement while camping! Also located inside the bathhouse are flushable toilets. The building is clean and the whole park is kept very nice.
In the section I was in, there were only 5 of us and for that first night I had no one around me on either side. Just me and the waves of Lake Winnebago crashing. The park has a boat landing and lots of trails for hiking. For the kiddos, there are playgrounds. The parks office is large with necessities available for purchase. I was quite pleased with the whole thing. Actually Calumet County Park is a best kept secret and a real gem for camping! It is located close to High Cliff State Park, which is a very popular park in Wisconsin for campers!
Once I settled in and made my bed, it was dark and time to snuggle under the covers. It was cool out and the rain was still coming down. Between the rain and the waves, I had plenty of white noise to serenade me to sleep when I finally put my book down at around 11 pm.
Looking for a perfect gift for a baby shower or children’s birthday?
Order Beatrice The Little Camper Gets Rescued the first children’s book based on the true story about a little vintage camper’s rescue and renovation.
Order through my author website here or now on Amazon
Me and my travel loo
Now the one thing about camping in the tiny trailer is the lack of bathroom facilities. I came prepared for middle of the night nature calls by my trusty travel loo. Basically a 5 gallon bucket with a seat and lid, that thing sure came in handy. I only had to use it once, but it sure beat hiking it up to the bathhouse in the middle of the night. I’m not crazy about using it, but hey some things you just can’t help!
I will say this, that first night literally brought tears to my eyes. Here I was, camping for the first time in my very own little camper. I did everything by myself. I was proud and I felt all the stress of the world leave my body. I felt relaxed and empowered. Geez, I keep discovering that I can do anything I want if I set my mind to it.
I slept like a baby that night and woke up to the sun shining through the trees. It was going to be a beautiful day! I got dressed, made myself a pot of coffee (I had packed my coffee maker), grabbed my book and listened to the lake as I read and sipped my cup of joe.
A visit from a new friend
I belong to a Facebook group of Wisconsin women who camp called Wisconsin Lady Glampers. One of the members, who I have been in touch with came to visit me to talk about the group and see Beatrice. Amy doesn’t live too far and we were both anxious to actually meet. She arrived late morning and we talked about all sorts of things. She has more than one vintage camper and loves camping with the ladies in the group. She shared lots of camping stories with me. After meeting and talking to Amy, I knew that I had found my camping tribe and cannot wait to have my first outing with the group and the new group she just started called We Camp. Gosh how I love meeting women that I can bond with over a shared interest!
Once Amy left, it was time to check out the trails. I had sat long enough. I walked through the woods, climbed the hills, and huffing and puffing, walked the road to the boat landing and then back to the campsite. What a great way to get my steps in! There were quite a few campers on the other end of the park. Seeing this, I was glad I was farther down where it was relatively quiet. I had neighbors that moved in right next to me while Amy was visiting, but that’s to be expected and I was glad for one night being by myself.

It was time to start a fire and make my supper. I brought along the pudgie pie makers and brought tortillas and cheese to make toasted cheese sandwiches over the fire. Oh they were so good! There is something about cooking over a campfire that is so awesome!

I was finished eating, had cleaned up, and was enjoying my book near the fire when I was startled by a voice. Here Rick and Megan had come to visit me! We sat and talked and I told them about my day. Rick inspected my campsite to see if my set-up met his approval. Not quite level from side to side, but all in all, he gave me the thumbs up!
When they left, I gathered my shower things and headed to the bathhouse. By the time I got out and walked back to my site, the most amazing sunset was filling the sky over the lake. Now this is what it’s all about. As much as what I love going to art museums and roaming around in the city, This, being out in nature is just rejuvenating! I love both! Yes, I’m a Gemini and definitely two different people at times. I sat admiring the sunset and reading until well past the sun was below the horizon. It was time to head inside Beatrice and call it a night.
I read for awhile until the tiny flies that came in to get close to the light drove me crazy. I turned out the light and fell asleep.
The next day I woke up and again made my coffee, read my book, and enjoyed the early morning sunlight.

This was packing up and going home day but I was determined to take my time. As the morning wore on I slowly took my awning down, packed up my truck, and hitched up my Beatrice (consulting my checklist) to head for home. By noon we were back on the road.

What I learned from my first solo camping experience.
I learned that camping solo is a great way to recharge. My mind was cleared and I felt a sense of renewal. Whether that was being in nature, doing something scary for the first time, being by myself, or a combination of all three, I just left feeling fresh. I learned once again that we NEED to do things we are afraid to do. Fear is our friend and if you want to do something bad enough, you can find a way. Going solo is fabulous! Sometimes you just need to spend time with yourself to reconnect with yourself. I learned how happy I am to have my little Beatrice! For years I dreamed of having a little camper everytime Megan and I would go tent camping. I also learned how much I love being home. As much as I love going places, I miss my home, my sanctuary after a time. I miss my family and the warmth and fuzzyness you feel when you are comfortable.
It’s because of these things I learned from my first solo camping experience and so much more, That yes, I will be taking Beatrice for more solo camping adventures! Solo camping is good for the soul!!
What about you? Do you camp? What are your thought on solo camping?
Thanks for reading!
You can read more about my vintage camper renovation here.

[…] you a first time solo camper? I love going out on my own. Connection with nature, enjoy travel in a different […]
[…] years, usually going only a couple of times a season. But last year that changed. I did my first solo camp, then I joined Sisters On The Fly and camped with them for the first […]
Totally agree with you that solo camping can be so good for the soul. Being in a natural setting, having time to reflect and being in peaceful surrounds are so beneficial. Love how you shared this so openly. Such a great read for fellow outdoor women adventurers.
Thank you Nicole!! I’m looking forward to getting my little Beatrice out of hibernation soon and camp more.
This is wonderful! I’ve never done a solo camping trip, the closest I’ve come is a camping with just my son and I. I love this campground, will have to remember it in the future.
It’s really the perfect place for a solo camp I think.
I really do understand you when you said you questioned yourself about doing it alone! And it all turned out just great! Courage ! 😉🤗
You have to just do it!!! Couldn’t help but think Mom was watching down on me!!
That is the coolest little camper ever. Sounds like fun.
Thank you!! It was so much fun and very relaxing!