The Light Of Paris by Eleanor Brown

The Light Of Paris is a page turner

I picked up The Light of Paris by Eleanor Brown mainly because of the Paris subject matter.  Five pages in that I was going to have no problem finishing this one.

It took me only 3 days to read The Light of Paris by Eleanor Brown.  The author of the bestseller The Weird Sisters wrote this story that explores the complicated relationship between a Mother and Daughter.

Madeline is married to a controlling Husband

Madeline is married to a controlling husband.   Similarly, she grew up with an equally controlling Mother who tried to mold her into what she is, a country club wife who spent her days going to luncheons, raising money for charity, and tending her garden.  Madeline decides to go back home and stay with her Mother after an argument with her husband.  She discovers her Grandmother Margie’s journals when she helps her Mother clean out her house.  Margie’s journals tell the story of a fascinating adventure she had in Paris many years ago.

Through the story in those journals Madeline begins to see how much she has sacrificed to be the person her Mother wanted her to be.  In the end Madeline takes control of her own life and rediscovers the person she was meant to be and in turn finds happiness.

At what point do we stop trying to please others?

This book was a real page turner for me.  Madeline and her Grandmother  struggle with pleasing those closest to them and give up their dreams for the approval of others. Many of us struggle with the need to please others but at what point do you draw the line? What struck a chord with me was that Madeline eventually found her way and took control of her own life by not letting other people’s expectations define her. Reading her Grandmother’s journals  gave Madeline the courage to confront her Mother and Husband and return to art and gain enough confidence to realize the only person she needs to please is herself.

I love how the author wove the story of Margie’s adventure in Paris  with Madeline’s story.  I could hardly wait to get to the next chapter.  I know when I am reading a good book because it will go with me wherever I go and this one did.

I have not read The Weird Sisters yet, but I can’t wait to dig into it now.

A big thumbs up to The Light of Paris!!

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