My First Trip To Paris – A Breakthrough Story

This post came from a writing challenge I took early last year. The prompt was to write your breakthrough story. Of course mine centered around my first trip to Paris in 2011. Here’s how it all came about for me. As a little “getting to know me” post, I thought I would share it with you! I hope it inspires you to make a call to action and make dream travel more of a reality. If not travel, some other thing to conquer.

What’s your breakthrough story?  

When I returned home from my first trip to Paris. I felt so happy, confident, and alive. My whole life changed during that week. I had never felt the support of so many people. Going to Paris that first time opened me up to a whole new world. The confidence to go places and do things by myself. To put myself out there and meet other people. I was good enough for other people to like. I felt validated. It provided long lasting friendships with people that I would have never met. Soul sisters and mentors. Models for what I wanted my life to look like. 

One of the first stops when we arrived in Paris on that first day was the Place des Vosges.


I was scared to go on that trip. Damn right I was scared. Going on a trip with 40 people you never met, except the crazy 86 year old women you agreed to room with after you met her and thought it would work out.

The fact that I dreamed of going to Paris as long as I can remember was going to override that utter fear.

I was 46, had only been on a plane a handful of times and never traveled without someone I knew. After asking everyone I would even think might join me and having no takers, plus the total support of my non-traveling hubby, I was going to do it. What better way than with a tour. Still on my own, but with a little safety net. I would pay attention to everything we did, because one day I would return. Because Paris is never enough just one time. You have to go again and again.

So I researched and researched as if I was planning it all on my own. I studied maps. Read Rick Steves Paris 2011 like a Bible. Faithfully read the Foder’s travel forums for Paris. These forums gave me hope. Hope that Paris was easy to navigate and a compact city and perfect for the solo female traveler. 


Let me tell you why I decided to finally go for it.

I had decided 7 years prior that I was going to set up a little savings account (AKA the Paris Fund). You see, I had worked with a girl my age who suddenly one day had a brain aneurysm and ended up in a nursing home with no life whatsoever. She actually passed away a few years later. This scared the hell out of me. I actually didn’t really get along with her. We had been almost friends years earlier, but after some work issues, we really no longer got along. She never knew that it was because of her that I decided to begin saving for Paris.  Life is too short and you can get it ripped from you at any time. You need to take what you can. Do what you want. For me my dream was to go to Paris.

I began saving $15 dollars from every paycheck. Slowly but surely that account built up until I had enough to go. It took 7 years, but I finally booked a tour with Holiday Vacations hosted by a Green Bay News Anchor that I admired. As long as Erin was there, it would be okay.

Paris was everything I dreamed of and more. The city was beautiful, busy, full of people, wine, cheese, and bakeries around every corner. The first time I saw the Eiffel Tower it took my breath away. And I could see it right out the front doors of our hotel. That first night as I stood on the street and watched those twinkling lights I shed a few tears.

Not the best pictures, but this is my first glimpse of an illuminated Eiffel Tower outside our hotel that first night.

The one dark spot was my roommate. As soon as we took off she treated me like HER travel companion. Constantly complaining about everything. I was not there for her. I had made it perfectly clear that this was my trip and I was going to do what I wanted. After all I paid for my own trip. I was not tied to her. After a tearful call home that first night, I decided to have the best time. I came in late every night long after she went to bed and rose early and was out the door for breakfast without her. Months later I found out she complained to EVERYONE about me, but I did not care. This was MY trip. Soon everyone caught on to her and and began talking to me to make sure I was having fun. This resulted in feeling so wanted and happy. I did things on my own, but I soon formed a friendship with 3 other ladies on the trip. Ann, Beverly, and Elaine made my trip so much fun. They took me under their wing. Beverly is still one of my best friends and at 80 years young inspires me to live life to the fullest. I have so much in common with her, it is insane!! 

Beverly, Elaine, Ann, and I having dinner on the Champs Elysee in 2011

I also formed a great friendship our host, Erin, who I actually didn’t talk to a whole lot on the trip. She did check up on me and and made sure I was having a good trip despite the issue with my roommate. I met up with her a few months later when she was talking at a Women’s Night Out event in a small town near mine. I hurried out to say hi to her before she had to get back to Green Bay for her Newscast. We connected and a few weeks later she invited me to an event she was MCing in Appleton. I felt like a VIP as her guest, but something just clicked and we became fast friends and are to this day. I now count her as one of my closest friends. Sometimes you just know when you meet someone.


So my trip to Paris changed my life.

I felt like a rose that finally bloomed. After my whole life not feeling worthy and unimportant, it was my turn to shine. It paved the way to opening myself up to meeting people and travel. Now when I go places, I have the confidence to talk to people. I can walk in a room or event by myself. Still uncomfortable-yes. But you never know who you will meet.

This trip also inspired me to start my blog. Since I love both writing and traveling, I thought why not start one to share my experiences. Even if I could inspire one woman to forge through the fear, take a chance, and go on their dream trip, it would all be worth it. Today this has enabled me to travel more, meet more like minded people, make an occasional TV appearance, and get my work published. One day I would love to set up my own travel consulting business, and spread my message through other outlets.

I say…

Don’t let fear get in the way of fulfilling your dreams. Because one day you may lose the chance.

Do you have a breakthough story? Put a pen to paper and write it down.

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