Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center – Learning About Where Your Food Comes From

Do you really know much about where your food comes from?

Most of us really don’t think about the work of feeding ourselves and our families. Food doesn’t magically appear at the grocery store, food center, or farmers’ market. There is an entire process and a lot of work that goes into getting that food on your table.

You have your local farmer to thank for putting that food on your table. The farming industry is like any other industry, whereas it has to change and adapt to the times. Wisconsin has been experiencing major “growing pains” with farming.

As many know, we know Wisconsin as the Dairy State and at one time, small family farms dotted the Wisconsin landscape. Today, as the times change, prices change, and many other factors, the small Wisconsin family farm is fading away. Farmers either have to adapt and find new ways to farm or be at risk of closing down. In fact, one statistic said that Wisconsin farms are shutting their barn doors at a rate of 2 per day. It’s a staggering amount and sad, but like all industry things change, habits change, and the family farm either keeps its head above water and can adapt, or drown with so many others.

Learn about Wisconsin Farming at the Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center

Many of us (myself included) know very little about the farming process. Although I grew up in Wisconsin surrounded by farms my whole life, I just never realized what a big part farming played in my everyday life. When my friend Shelly and I discussed places to meet for breakfast and one suggestion was that big red barn off of I-43 south of Manitowoc to meet, I said a firm yes. My hubby had been there for the food at the cafe and liked it and I had wanted to visit for a while and write a post about it.

The Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center is Agriculture tourism at its best. This 10,000-square-foot facility is a valuable additional part of the Manitowoc area. Maybe you’ve spotted the big red barn on the west side of I-43 as you’ve traveled between Manitowoc and Sheboygan. The Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center is a full-on educational facility dedicated to teaching the public all about your food. Where it comes from, the process it takes to get it to your table, and the progression of the farm it came from. It’s a perfect spot to spend the day. Because of its location, the Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center draws many bus tours and football fans that are traveling to and from Lambeau Field in Green Bay.

What’s inside Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center?

You could easily spend at least a half-day at Farm Wisconsin. There is an entire second level full of interactive displays where one thing you learn about is the process of getting your food to you. There is a simulator where you drive a huge tractor, which my friend Shelly had to try while I took a video of her and giggled when she hit a fence! We learn how Wisconsin farmers work to protect the environment and natural resources. One of my favorite things was learning how farmers use technology in all aspects of farming. Times sure have changed on the family farm! Are you curious about vertical farming? You can learn how Wisconsin farmers are incorporating hydroponics and aquaponics on their farms.

Learn about where your food comes from with interactive displays at Farm Wisconsin
Learn how yogurt is made at Farm Wisconsin
Life of a Wisconsin Dairy Farmer

There is much more to Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center

Lunch at the Wisconsin Cafe inside the Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center

The ground level has an amazing cafe called appropriately Cafe Wisconsin. The farm-to-table menu is a hit with the locals and the tourists that stop in. They serve breakfast items until 11 AM daily. We arrived at 10 AM and ate right away.  I choose the Bacon, Egg, and More, which is with applewood smoked bacon, an egg (whatever style you wish), avocado, sharp cheddar cheese, and red onion on a toasted brioche bun. It was delicious. Shelly picked avocado toast, and we also had a side of fried cheese curds. In Wisconsin, we eat cheese curds all day every day!! We love our cheese curds. We each had a latte with Wisconsin whipped cream on top for a minor hit of caffeine. Also on the menu for lunch is a selection of salads, sandwiches, burgers, and panini. Maybe try a bison burger. There is a menu just for the kiddos too. If you’re longing for a cool drink, you can have an ice-cold beer or a specialty soda.

Bacon, Egg, and More Breakfast sandwich at Wisconsin Cafe
Wisconsin Cheese Curds served at the Wisconsin Cafe

The cafe is open for 8 AM to 2:30 PM Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Also on the ground floor is the Birthing Barn. Here is where the cows that are near birth are on display. Every morning these “moms to be” are brought in for guests to see (if they are lucky enough) a real live birth. At the end of the day, they are transported back to their home farm. It’s like a “day camp” for expectant co

The Birthing Room lets you view a live birth (if you’re there at the right time).

They also regularly bring in newborns of any species. On this day we saw a baby Angus, which is a Scottish breed of beef cattle. Also, a local farm was gracious enough to bring in a pen with 2 three week old jersey calves to pet for the day. To keep up to date with babies they have visiting, follow the Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center Facebook page.

The baby Angus
Three week old calves for petting at Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center
Aren’t these jersey calves sweet?

Now that I’ve melted your heart with pictures of cute bovine babies, how would you like to hop on a bus and tour a real live Wisconsin farm?

UPDATE: Farm Tours as of 2022 have been postponed until further notice

Yes! Everyday Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center offers tours of a working local farm. You can hop on a bus that leaves right from the Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center and head down the road a few miles to the Grotegut Farm. This local family farm has been in the family for three generations and went from 51 head of dairy cattle in 1965 to 2600 today. Grotegut Farm is a perfect example of a family run farm that is looking toward the future and finding innovative ways to run its farm. You can learn so much about Wisconsin farming back at the Discovery Center, but what a fabulous way to see how a farm actually runs!

After all the interactive exhibits, the tour of the local farm, lunch, and seeing cute baby calves, you may need a little snack. Hmmm, what would be a good Wisconsin snack? Why ice cream of course! You can satisfy your sweet tooth with some of Wisconsin’s very own premium ice cream, Cedar Crest. Choose from a variety of scrumptious flavors.

Wisconsin's own Cedar Cresr Ice Cream is available inside Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center

Finally, browse the gift shop full of unique Wisconsin items and farm-related things for the kids.

Also, don’t think for one second you can’t enjoy and get something out of a visit to Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center if you are not really interested in farming. Whether or not you realize it, farming is a big part of all our lives. I did not grow up on a farm. I have many friends that were a part of farming families. Even though I had wanted to stop and check things out, I put it off cause I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it. I did, and I learned a few things along the way. The exhibits are cool, the food at the cafe is outstanding, and the babies…..well, I’m a pushover for an animal baby no matter what the species!

It is certainly worth a detour off I-43 to visit Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center.

Open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 9 AM-4 PM


Adults $16

Seniors (62+) $12

Youth (4-18) $8

3 and under Free

Something else to do in the area. Visit John Michael Kohler Arts Center

And a big thank to Shelly Harms of Visit Sheboygan!!

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