Tag - authors

Untitledtown Book And Author Festival Review Night

First off, I will be talking quite a bit about UntitledTown in Green Bay the next couple of months. I went to the UntitledTown Book And Author Festival for one day last year ( it’s FIRST year) and was so impressed with it, that I definitely wanted to attend this year and perhaps do my part by promoting it and bring people to an awesome area of Wisconsin. This...

A Parents Guide To Yallfest 2016

I originally wrote this piece in 2015 after attending Yallfest the year before for the first time with my then 16 year old daughter.  I wanted to resurrect it and post it again since it is time for Yallfest for another year. My daughter is now in her first year of college and I have to say this is one of my favorite things we did together in her High School years. If...